Sunday 15 March 2015

Your Loyalty is not needed.

Young wrestlers beware as most of you are idealistic and naïve, 

Your Loyalty is not needed, Vince McMahon is about his CASH don't be fooled by 'tears' you go ask Bret Hart and CM Punk, Vince McMahon will not hesitate to screw  and bury you just because he can, put yourself first (like ultimate warrior did) trademark any possible wrestling names you may want to you in the future, (i.e. when you get your contract cancelled) if your sensible wrestle under your real name, like Bret Hart and Kurt Angle did.
 Do not talk about your plans and ideas lest they get stolen I cite CM Punk MMA merchandising idea which was stolen from him and used for Brock Lesnar, who only seems to wrestle once every two months (good for him why should he let Vince McMahon damage his bones and tendons for peanut cash).
Any meeting you have with wrestling management wear a wire/recording device like Bret Hart did with Vince McMahon before he promises you something and he later states he has no recollection of the event in question.

WWE doesn't reward professional hard work, but muscle mass and ass kissing, that's the ultimate truth.

‘wrestlers are not really friends , they are business associates, we all
independently employed even though we work for the WWE we still independently
employed, Tony Atlas is not a person Tony Atlas is a company’

-Tony Atlas

The WWE doesn't even provide health insurance, for it's talent  Vince McMahon is a total disgrace.  If WWE provided health insurance they would be out a lot of money with wrestlers having injuries every night. When you think about how much wrestlers get paid it looks like a lot of money but not really when you think about how much it cost to have surgery especially for the mid carders. Vince McMahon takes advantage of a legal loophole by calling his talent independent contractors he can avoid providing benefits and since they have virtually no leverage against him (unions, real competition, etc.), he gets away with it.What is wrong with Vince McMahon these wrestlers make your company millions and your to cheap to give them health insurance you are a complete disgrace

I hope all those kids on Tough Enough understand this, you really feel for these young naive wrestlers who go into the business they no idea that they will be screwed. 
Terry Funk was smart about it. He joined The Screen Actors Guild, did the bare minimum of what was required of him (like, one commercial every couple years), and benefitted from their insurance. Foley did the same thing after King of the Ring. Remember those Chef Boyardee that ran around Wrestlemania XV?

If wrestlers  are independent contractors why do they have to sign contracts and are not allowed to work other wrestling promotions, huh Vince.

Don’t expect a lion to not eat you, just because you didn't eat him.

Poor Kamala
Vince McMahon screwed him royally.

History repeats itself Vince screws Chyna

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