Saturday 7 March 2015

Wrestling and Hepatitis C

God I fear for young, upcoming wrestlers, so it was widely known by wrestling promoters that Abdullah the Butcher had a blood-borne disease Hepatitis C which is highly contagious but he was still allowed to wrestle and blade other wrestlers.
 Contracting Hepatitis C for the sake of entertainment television is hardly worth the risk.

Abdullah the Butcher is a disgrace to wrestling and he should apologise to all those wrestlers he may have put at risk.

** I am by no means trying demonise people with blood borne diseases like Hep C but if I had those diseases I would never engage in activity to put some else at risk that wrestler has to feed his family too**

The WWE doesn't even provide health insurance, for it's talent  Vince McMahon is a total disgrace.  If WWE provided health insurance they would be out a lot of money with wrestlers having injuries every night. When you think about how much wrestlers get paid it looks like a lot of money but not really when you think about how much it cost to have surgery especially for the mid carders. Vince McMahon takes advantage of a legal loophole by calling his talent independent contractors he can avoid providing benefits and since they have virtually no leverage against him (unions, real competition, etc.), he gets away with it.What is wrong with Vince McMahon these wrestlers make your company millions and your to cheap to give them health insurance you are a complete disgrace

I hope all those kids on Tough Enough understand this, you really feel for these young naive wrestlers who go into the business they no idea that they will be screwed. 
Terry Funk was smart about it. He joined The Screen Actors Guild, did the bare minimum of what was required of him (like, one commercial every couple years), and benefitted from their insurance. Foley did the same thing after King of the Ring. Remember those Chef Boyardee that ran around Wrestlemania XV?

If wrestlers  are independent contractors why do they have to sign contracts and are not allowed to work other wrestling promotions, huh Vince.

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