Wednesday 25 March 2015

Bret Hart: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

Bret Hart: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling 

Bret never lets you forget how many people have given their lives for the business, making death a recurring theme throughout the entire book.

Bret Hart a cool guy but why he got screwed in the first place was because Bret Hart could not stop seeing Vince McMahon as a father figure hence he Bret could not see all the warning signs the Vince’the businessman McMahon was gonna screw even now Bret seems to be unable to view Vince McMahon objectively he still see Vince McMahon as Daddy even though Vince McMahon never saw him as a son rather just a pawn in his wrestling business empire, Bret is almost 60 he needs to get over his daddy issues, reading Bret Hart’s autobiography even a blind man could see he was about to get screwed but Bret did not do due diligence (Vince McMahon has a track record of screwing people over way before the Montreal Screwjob Incident ) because he was ‘loyal’ and ‘greedy for money’ code words for I do not want to upset my Daddy Vince McMahon and subconciously I am trying to get daddy's love, he refused to see the bad in Vince McMahon because no one wants to see the bad in their Daddy and  GOT SCREWED BADLY because of it.

Most wrestlers that have worked for Vince McMahon are angry and bitter about how they were treated. The only ones that aren't public about it are either still employed or dead. Or they weren't a big enough star for anyone to take their complaints seriously.

Both Bret Hart parents have passed away, including a couple of his siblings (Owen, and his older brother Dean); not to mention MANY of his wrestling colleagues who died over the years (Roddy, just recently). He's also suffered through a major stroke, which I'd definitely imagine wouldn't be a pleasant thing to go through. Read his biography, if you ever get a chance. Especially reading about the last moments he shared with his father on his death bed in the hospital, it can make a grown man cry.

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