Saturday 14 March 2015

The Self Destruction Of CM Punk 3 Disc Set lol

I see a New DVD coming out called The
Self Destruction Of CM Punk 3 Disc Set lol

What kind of piece of shit would be on the side of multi-national corporation who does nothing but try and fuck their employees out of everything they can get away with. You know how I know Punk is telling the truth? Because we have heard this story time and time again from many former employees, we all know what kind of scumbag Triple H is.

We have all seen how much young talent has been buried by Hunter, or what happens to talent that don't want to suck up to him, for their spot. CM Punk really has nothing to gain by saying what he said, so I don't see why he'd lie, he didn't just burn that bridge he atomic detonated it.

Pink slip on wedding day? It's a bitch move no matter how you slice it. Al CM Punk wanted was time to heal. Hunter, Edge, and Cena had time off for their injuries (to name a few)... Punk - a guy who was selling more merch than Cena - can't get a couple months off? No excuses for that level of improper care.

CM Punk was professional and working hurt. Kurt Angle had these same issues with Vince. Sweet talking him into working hurt while not delivering on promises.

It's bullshit!!, Vince McMahon but he can be complicated and into his own ego very often. He admits it himself on Austin’s podcast.

Sometimes you wonder about Vince McMahon you would think after Owen Hart's death they would put wrestler safety first, how the hell are you gonna make a wrestler work while injured? I am glad CM Punk got out young with bones relatively intact as opposed to Edge whose 'loyalty' to Vince McMahon and WWE almost rendered him crippled he cannot do a contact sport anymore otherwise that neck of his will crumble

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