Wednesday 25 March 2015

Bret Hart: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

Bret Hart: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling 

Bret never lets you forget how many people have given their lives for the business, making death a recurring theme throughout the entire book.

Bret Hart a cool guy but why he got screwed in the first place was because Bret Hart could not stop seeing Vince McMahon as a father figure hence he Bret could not see all the warning signs the Vince’the businessman McMahon was gonna screw even now Bret seems to be unable to view Vince McMahon objectively he still see Vince McMahon as Daddy even though Vince McMahon never saw him as a son rather just a pawn in his wrestling business empire, Bret is almost 60 he needs to get over his daddy issues, reading Bret Hart’s autobiography even a blind man could see he was about to get screwed but Bret did not do due diligence (Vince McMahon has a track record of screwing people over way before the Montreal Screwjob Incident ) because he was ‘loyal’ and ‘greedy for money’ code words for I do not want to upset my Daddy Vince McMahon and subconciously I am trying to get daddy's love, he refused to see the bad in Vince McMahon because no one wants to see the bad in their Daddy and  GOT SCREWED BADLY because of it.

Most wrestlers that have worked for Vince McMahon are angry and bitter about how they were treated. The only ones that aren't public about it are either still employed or dead. Or they weren't a big enough star for anyone to take their complaints seriously.

Both Bret Hart parents have passed away, including a couple of his siblings (Owen, and his older brother Dean); not to mention MANY of his wrestling colleagues who died over the years (Roddy, just recently). He's also suffered through a major stroke, which I'd definitely imagine wouldn't be a pleasant thing to go through. Read his biography, if you ever get a chance. Especially reading about the last moments he shared with his father on his death bed in the hospital, it can make a grown man cry.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

WWE's no-compete’ clause’s

Young/New Wrestlers beware that those ‘no-compete’ clause’s written into contracts, can be changed and for the most part have no legal standing, you can challenge them in a court of Law. 

The WWE doesn't even provide health insurance, for it's talent  Vince McMahon is a total disgrace.  If WWE provided health insurance they would be out a lot of money with wrestlers having injuries every night. When you think about how much wrestlers get paid it looks like a lot of money but not really when you think about how much it cost to have surgery especially for the mid carders. Vince McMahon takes advantage of a legal loophole by calling his talent independent contractors he can avoid providing benefits and since they have virtually no leverage against him (unions, real competition, etc.), he gets away with it.What is wrong with Vince McMahon these wrestlers make your company millions and your to cheap to give them health insurance you are a complete disgrace

I hope all those kids on Tough Enough understand this, you really feel for these young naive wrestlers who go into the business they no idea that they will be screwed. 
Terry Funk was smart about it. He joined The Screen Actors Guild, did the bare minimum of what was required of him (like, one commercial every couple years), and benefitted from their insurance. Foley did the same thing after King of the Ring. Remember those Chef Boyardee that ran around Wrestlemania XV?

If wrestlers  are independent contractors why do they have to sign contracts and are not allowed to work other wrestling promotions, huh Vince.

Monday 23 March 2015

Friday 20 March 2015

TNA's Kurt Angle Interview

                                              Kurt Angle is perhaps the only wrestler I know that did not let Vince McMahon bury him he used his business smarts to one-up him and create TNA
with Dixie Carter, people wanna trash TNA but is it is still relatively in it’s infancy aslong as they have good writers and engage in good business politics
(I.E. not letting Vince McMahon bully networks in not giving TNA screentime).

Good use of business psychology Kurt, young wresters take heed go straight to the 19:00 minute mark

Thursday 19 March 2015

ON THE MAT WITH CHYNA- How to gain muscle mass

                                           Gerry Blais is amazing dude who trained Chyna and made her body great this is his website:

Sunday 15 March 2015

Your Loyalty is not needed.

Young wrestlers beware as most of you are idealistic and naïve, 

Your Loyalty is not needed, Vince McMahon is about his CASH don't be fooled by 'tears' you go ask Bret Hart and CM Punk, Vince McMahon will not hesitate to screw  and bury you just because he can, put yourself first (like ultimate warrior did) trademark any possible wrestling names you may want to you in the future, (i.e. when you get your contract cancelled) if your sensible wrestle under your real name, like Bret Hart and Kurt Angle did.
 Do not talk about your plans and ideas lest they get stolen I cite CM Punk MMA merchandising idea which was stolen from him and used for Brock Lesnar, who only seems to wrestle once every two months (good for him why should he let Vince McMahon damage his bones and tendons for peanut cash).
Any meeting you have with wrestling management wear a wire/recording device like Bret Hart did with Vince McMahon before he promises you something and he later states he has no recollection of the event in question.

WWE doesn't reward professional hard work, but muscle mass and ass kissing, that's the ultimate truth.

‘wrestlers are not really friends , they are business associates, we all
independently employed even though we work for the WWE we still independently
employed, Tony Atlas is not a person Tony Atlas is a company’

-Tony Atlas

The WWE doesn't even provide health insurance, for it's talent  Vince McMahon is a total disgrace.  If WWE provided health insurance they would be out a lot of money with wrestlers having injuries every night. When you think about how much wrestlers get paid it looks like a lot of money but not really when you think about how much it cost to have surgery especially for the mid carders. Vince McMahon takes advantage of a legal loophole by calling his talent independent contractors he can avoid providing benefits and since they have virtually no leverage against him (unions, real competition, etc.), he gets away with it.What is wrong with Vince McMahon these wrestlers make your company millions and your to cheap to give them health insurance you are a complete disgrace

I hope all those kids on Tough Enough understand this, you really feel for these young naive wrestlers who go into the business they no idea that they will be screwed. 
Terry Funk was smart about it. He joined The Screen Actors Guild, did the bare minimum of what was required of him (like, one commercial every couple years), and benefitted from their insurance. Foley did the same thing after King of the Ring. Remember those Chef Boyardee that ran around Wrestlemania XV?

If wrestlers  are independent contractors why do they have to sign contracts and are not allowed to work other wrestling promotions, huh Vince.

Don’t expect a lion to not eat you, just because you didn't eat him.

Poor Kamala
Vince McMahon screwed him royally.

History repeats itself Vince screws Chyna

Saturday 14 March 2015

The Self Destruction Of CM Punk 3 Disc Set lol

I see a New DVD coming out called The
Self Destruction Of CM Punk 3 Disc Set lol

What kind of piece of shit would be on the side of multi-national corporation who does nothing but try and fuck their employees out of everything they can get away with. You know how I know Punk is telling the truth? Because we have heard this story time and time again from many former employees, we all know what kind of scumbag Triple H is.

We have all seen how much young talent has been buried by Hunter, or what happens to talent that don't want to suck up to him, for their spot. CM Punk really has nothing to gain by saying what he said, so I don't see why he'd lie, he didn't just burn that bridge he atomic detonated it.

Pink slip on wedding day? It's a bitch move no matter how you slice it. Al CM Punk wanted was time to heal. Hunter, Edge, and Cena had time off for their injuries (to name a few)... Punk - a guy who was selling more merch than Cena - can't get a couple months off? No excuses for that level of improper care.

CM Punk was professional and working hurt. Kurt Angle had these same issues with Vince. Sweet talking him into working hurt while not delivering on promises.

It's bullshit!!, Vince McMahon but he can be complicated and into his own ego very often. He admits it himself on Austin’s podcast.

Sometimes you wonder about Vince McMahon you would think after Owen Hart's death they would put wrestler safety first, how the hell are you gonna make a wrestler work while injured? I am glad CM Punk got out young with bones relatively intact as opposed to Edge whose 'loyalty' to Vince McMahon and WWE almost rendered him crippled he cannot do a contact sport anymore otherwise that neck of his will crumble

Thursday 12 March 2015

Tony Atlas talks Bruiser Brody's Death

                                               It’s a shame that the Bruiser Brody story it not
widely known by wrestling fans. Can you believe only Tony Atlas attempted to help Bruiser Brody who ended dying anyway . 

Tony Atlas testimony was not heard in court because the DA sent the subpoena to the wrestler just one day before
the trial was due to start (
sounds like sabotage to me) and
Bruiser Brody’s family never got justice.

‘wrestlers are not really friends , they are business associates, we all
independently employed even though we work for the WWE we still independently
employed, Tony Atlas is not a person Tony Atlas is a company’

-Tony Atlas 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Devon Nicholson "This is Hannibal": The Complete Documentary

Abdullah the Butcher is a disgrace, Devon Nicholson just wanted to be a wrestler and make his parents proud and Abdullah the Butcher deliberately cut him with a contamination blade, and he gave Devon Nicholson, Hepatitis C.
Devon Nicholson dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler since he was a child. During his high school days he became the most dominate amateur wrestler. He carried off a gold medal at the 2001 Junior National Championships in London, Ontario. A month later, he gained a spot on the Canadian Junior National Team after winning the National Team trials in Vancouver, British Columbia. Nicholson won the OFSAA wrestling high school championships in 2000 and also in 2001 without a single point scored against him. He has also held numerous City of Ottawa and Provincial titles in freestyle wrestling. He was named Amateur Wrestler of the Year by the City of Ottawa in 2001. He was offered numerous scholarships but he turned them all down to pursue his dream of wrestling for The World Wrestling Federation. After years of struggling on the independent scene he was offered a three year contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. Little did he know his entire life was about to change when it was discovered he has a deadly disease. After the discovery of his disease the WWE rescinded his contract and he is forced to struggle on the independent scene.

Young Wrestlers beware

WWE smears Ultimate Warrior

Ultimate Warrior was not a good slave for Vince McMahon, he demanded a decent pay for his work.

I agree Ultimate Warrior show not have snubbed his schedules appearances that was his only fault. People want to say Ultimate Warrior strong-armed the WWE for $500,000 no he didn’t he was only demanding a decent pay for his work and considering the WWE make 10x more than in revenues the wrestlers get paid only a pittance.
This documentary put out by WWE The Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior was a smear campaign, an attempt to trash Ultimate Warriors image, to destroy his career and try to get his fans to turn him.

Ultimate Warrior sued the WWE for deflamation of character, but the case dismissed later the WWE reconciles with Ultimate Warrior and inducts him into the WWE Hall of Fame Ultimate Warrior’s ailing health was known (for the sake of money). 

Beware young wrestlers

"Do The Work of Your Life!"

"Do The Work of Your Life!" The rest will be History with Legacy.

-Ultimate Warrior

Monday 9 March 2015

For TokyoChyna

Triple H's love for Stephanie McMahon a 'work'

"I was riding in the McMahon family limo. Stephanie was sleeping in Vince's arms in that creepy way that starts all those rumors about them. I caught Triple H watching Stephanie nuzzled into her father like a baby, and, lemme tell you, the look I saw wasn't a look of love. It was this contemptuous, objectifying look, like: yeah, I got it, I got the world in my hands, I got the prize ham at the fair. It was an ugly look. Our eyes met for a second, and he laughed and shrugged, like he dropped the act for a second and he didn't give a shit that I noticed."

 Former WWE writer Dan Madigan

Saturday 7 March 2015

Wrestling and Hepatitis C

God I fear for young, upcoming wrestlers, so it was widely known by wrestling promoters that Abdullah the Butcher had a blood-borne disease Hepatitis C which is highly contagious but he was still allowed to wrestle and blade other wrestlers.
 Contracting Hepatitis C for the sake of entertainment television is hardly worth the risk.

Abdullah the Butcher is a disgrace to wrestling and he should apologise to all those wrestlers he may have put at risk.

** I am by no means trying demonise people with blood borne diseases like Hep C but if I had those diseases I would never engage in activity to put some else at risk that wrestler has to feed his family too**

The WWE doesn't even provide health insurance, for it's talent  Vince McMahon is a total disgrace.  If WWE provided health insurance they would be out a lot of money with wrestlers having injuries every night. When you think about how much wrestlers get paid it looks like a lot of money but not really when you think about how much it cost to have surgery especially for the mid carders. Vince McMahon takes advantage of a legal loophole by calling his talent independent contractors he can avoid providing benefits and since they have virtually no leverage against him (unions, real competition, etc.), he gets away with it.What is wrong with Vince McMahon these wrestlers make your company millions and your to cheap to give them health insurance you are a complete disgrace

I hope all those kids on Tough Enough understand this, you really feel for these young naive wrestlers who go into the business they no idea that they will be screwed. 
Terry Funk was smart about it. He joined The Screen Actors Guild, did the bare minimum of what was required of him (like, one commercial every couple years), and benefitted from their insurance. Foley did the same thing after King of the Ring. Remember those Chef Boyardee that ran around Wrestlemania XV?

If wrestlers  are independent contractors why do they have to sign contracts and are not allowed to work other wrestling promotions, huh Vince.

Friday 6 March 2015

Rest in peace Owen 'the blue blazer' Hart

Move to 4.52 mark on video Triple H seems like he is trying too hard, Chyna is just starring at him with a blank look in her face, it’s too funny, Triple H is putting on fake tears.
Yeah Triple H was so upset over Owen's death that he decided to STEAL his ringname backstage. Owen Hart was originally known as The Game.
Triple H a power hungry backstabber
Owen ONLY wrestled to support his family. He HATED the sexual & crude bullshit that WWE were doing, at the time.
Vince Mcmahon should be ashamed for letting the show go on after the incident.

Mark Henry's poem was awesome as it was a memorable powerful one, I still remember bits of it like "Deep down deep you toss & turn in your sheets, awaken with sobs & wet pillow-cases". RIP Owen.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Chyna Photo Shoot 2001

Chyna Tribute

Wrestling With Shadows 1998

Every wrestler that works in the professional wrestling industry should look at what happened to Bret Hart and never forget it.You're a fool if you don't think he won't do it to you 

   The Original Screwjob - Wendi Richter vs. Spider-Lady

Hulk Hogan transcended pro- wrestling

Hulk Hogan is currently the only wrestler that transcended pro- wrestling and became part of pop culture, he did those cameos in the Rocky III movie with Sylvester Stallone which angered Vince McMahon and made rather jealous because to him no one should become bigger than his business even though the wrestlers made him a lot of cash John Cena if he plays his cards right (releases a decent rap album independently from WWE and hones his acting ability) can do the same thing but I am almost certain Vince McMahon  or Triple H will attempt to sabotage it.

New and upcoming wrestlers take heed.

Vince McMahon will not put any wrestler over no matter how loyal you are to him go ask Bret Hart.