Tuesday 25 August 2015

Ultimate Warrior never held Vince McMahon up for money

Ultimate Warrior never held Vince McMahon up for money he simply went to Vince and said he wanted to be paid equal to what Hogan got for a Wrestlemania Vince McMahon agreed but never paid him what he promised. Ultimate Warrior then confronted him right before SummerSlam saying he would not wrestle if Vince didn't live up to his word. Vince said he would pay him the full amount, but then after the match he fired him. The missing of dates was years later after he was rehired (in 96 or 97). Ultimate Warrior and WWF had a contract that would separate the UW wrestler from UW's other properties. (UW wanted the character branched out to comics, movies, etc. separate from WWF.) He found out WWF breached that contract and missed a few matches, also claiming that he was grieving for his father that had died.
If Vince McMahon didn't think Ultimate Warrior deserved that amount then he shouldn't have agreed to it. To promise Ultimate Warrior he would pay him that amount then go back on his word is not the correct way to treat somebody(however that is standard operating procedure with Vince McMahon go ask Bret Hart). Ultimate Warrior even produced a fax of the contract some time ago. Would you accept that from your place of employment happily?

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