Sunday 16 August 2015

'Get Over It' Chyna

Everybody is always quick to tell Chyna to ‘get over it’,  as if Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not exist people grieve differently, you can laugh all you want but could not have easy for a girl who not conventionally pretty, overcoming a tough childhood to meet a guy she really loved and have a job she loved then because of someone selfish actions she loses it all.
 Chyna had a very difficult childhood and did not have much of a family she finally found some solace  in a man and career she loved and then to quote Susan Boyle ‘the tigers came at night’  this was not simply ‘a bad breakup’ the McMahons and Triple H really screwed her, to this day I am surprised she is still alive.

Say what you but Triple H and Stephanie McMahon disgraceful behaviour was the catalyst that sent Chyna over the edge.
 If you are able to lose your fiancée, your home and your job all at once and still come out mentally ok then congratulations to you. It is so obvious and clear that Chyna suffers from PTSD.

Other people do not have the right to dictate to people how long they they should take to get over tragic events in their lives, Chyna has the right to speak about her pain even if it happened 100 years ago.
People react and deal with the tragic events in their lives differently so can the Chyna Haters just leave her alone.

 "Give it a rest Chyna" -  try 15 years of mental illness, abuse and lies. I’ve never met McMahon or Triple H, but I can see what a damaging creatures they are. More power to Chyna.
Chyna isn't allowed to just let go and put it behind her. Every year since she was pushed away it's like the WWE reaches out and drags her right back to all it's horrors and she's constantly belittled, abused, insulted and harrassed by it.

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