Sunday 26 July 2015

Why, Porn Chyna.

Do you ever get the opinion that other than monetary reasons, alot of the pornography work Chyna did was in a strange and warped way her trying to get and relive, the adulation, fame and love she got when she was a wrestling superstar, which was cruelly taken away from her by a cheating power hungry fiancee, I am by no means a psychologist but just seems like that.

I am sure that there are porn actors out there that enjoy their work, but by the high incidence of suicide in porn I am sure the vast majority of porn actors have damaged psyches I cannot help but think that removing your clothes and having sex in public and on film is a form of self-harm not in the traditional ‘cutting flesh’ type of way but degrading and embarrassing yourself because you no longer love yourself or have any self- worth, and perhaps we should have a bit more compassion for those who work in the sex industry and tell they love it.

When Chyna, did those porn scenes parodying Triple H, Vince and Stephanie McMahon it was her way of getting back at them, because she had no other way they had managed to cause her some incredible difficulties in her life it was her only way of attempting to fight back, she probably looks back and cringes that she did those scenes but in comparison to what they did to her it's nothing. Please remember Chyna has mental health issues. .

Give me a break WWE made millions off of selling sex. How many women has Vince had affairs with in "storyline". Not to mention all the money they made off of her. Truthfully I can only imagine how hard it was for her to know Triple H dropped her like a bad habit to shack up with the bosses daughter. Did you know she couldn't work for over a year because WWE wouldn't let her out her contact. She's said she had offers to do movies and TV, but couldn't because of that. Has she made the best decisions over the years and has her mental health been the best no. Regardless of that it's about what she did in WWE and that's what it should be about.

Youtuber: Patrick Small

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