Monday 6 July 2015

Julie Hart on Triple H

This the exchange that was on the "Wrestling with Shadows" Documentary, Julie Hart (Bret Hart's wife at the time) see's  through Triple H lies, he was in on the Montreal Screwjob 

Julie: "Don't give me that **! Because you guys knew it."

Hunter: "I swear to God..."

Julie: "You knew it from the very beginning, all of you."

Hunter: "I swear to God... I don't know nothing about this."

Julie: "Yeah well swear to God all you want too. Some day God is going to strike you down. Yeah. Don't even-"

Hunter: "I know you're upset-"

Julie: "Yeah I am upset!"

Hunter: "I had nothing to do with it, I didn't know anything about it."

Julie: "You had as much to do with it as the rest of them!"

Hunter: "I knew nothing about it."

Julie: "I'm sure you didn't... I'm sure you didn't....It really sucks you know... you all go back to the hotel and have a big laugh right? A few beers...y'know.. Just remember someday what goes around comes around!"

Hunter: "I have nothing to say."

Julie: "Yeah you don't have anything to say..."

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