Thursday 30 July 2015


Hey Guys the article below, has been deleted from the 4chan website from some strange reason I really feel rather sad I have always like Hogan as a wrestler he done some amazing matches, had a incredible gimmick and was big musclebound ‘hero’ everybody loved, then years later in shoot interviews over wrestlers talk bad about someone most famously Ultimate Warrior  KARMA COMING TO COLLECT where warrior accuses Hogan of some bad most likely true stuff threw me especially the accusation that Hogan got wrestlers hooked on drugs  to ruined their careers.

KARMA COLLECTS ON TERRY BOLLEA by Leticia Kline - Fri, 24 Jul 2015 07:16:52

I have waited a long, long time for this day. But I knew it would eventually come. This is the end of Hulk Hogan. This is Karma.

Hulk Hogan, aka Terrence Gene Bollea. The most famous wrestler to ever walk the Earth. There has never been another character so synonymous with the business. Millions of 'Hulkamaniacs' around the world continue to revere him, decades after he ceased to be relevant. Those countless fans willingly ignoring the mountain of evidence which proves beyond question that Hulk Hogan is a fucking scumbag.

He is a pathological liar. A man who has screwed over so many in his time whilst always maintaining a facade of total innocence and naivety. A very sly operator indeed, the slickest of them all. A man without scruples, a man so invested in his own outdated gimmick that he can no longer separate fantasy from reality. Pathetic. A steroid abuser. A cocaine abuser. A man that stopped so low as to get other wrestlers hooked on illicit substances in order to keep himself ahead of the pack. A man who tried to use the permanent disabling of another at the hands of his vile, spoit brat of a son as an opportunity for fame and profit. A man so possessed by vanity and greed it is sickening.

There are so many stories and incidents about the REAL Hulk Hogan that I will not go into them now. Anyone who knows the business and has followed wrestling long enough knows what Terry Bollea is all about. A manipulator, a backstabber, an egotistical fraud only out for himself. The most selfish man the wrestling industry has ever known. Those with the eyes to see look right through his fraudulent persona of the "Real American', the God fearing Mr Nice Guy who pleads ignorance to anything which points to his own culpability. And now Karma is here.

Even in the face of this latest headline, the one which finish his career for good, he cannot accept responsibility for his actions. Instead he chooses to reamin at the will of a God who he seemingly believes allows the entire world to revolve around Hulk Hogan. Such is his ego, such is his delusion. But the God that Terry Bollea claims to be so close to is in fact metering out his punishment upon this vile human being.

We know that Hulk Hogan is a liar and a cheat. We know he is manipulative and selfish and crude. We know he is a pervert. We know he is a man driven entirely by the pursuit of attention and money. And now we know that he is a racist. 

You got away with it for so long, Terry. You made more money and achieved more infamy than you were ever worth. You screwed so many over in your time, raised a pair of despicable children and embarrassed yourself time and again with your pathetic antics. People don't care about coke use or sex tapes. They do care about racism. You are going to get what you deserve, Terry. Karma is here, right now.

The biggest question now, is this. With your career and persona in tatters, reality for you is about to come crashing down. But how will cope, Terry? Everyone knows what a COWARD you are, and always have been. Now that its time to face reality and become Terry Bollea once more, the man you abandoned long ago, how will you deal with it? Do you have the guts to put that gun in your mouth and pull the trigger this time? Or will you simply descend into the spiral of drawn out self-destruction which has ended the lives of so many of your peers? We all want to know, Terry...

Whatcha gonna do?


Sunday 26 July 2015

Why, Porn Chyna.

Do you ever get the opinion that other than monetary reasons, alot of the pornography work Chyna did was in a strange and warped way her trying to get and relive, the adulation, fame and love she got when she was a wrestling superstar, which was cruelly taken away from her by a cheating power hungry fiancee, I am by no means a psychologist but just seems like that.

I am sure that there are porn actors out there that enjoy their work, but by the high incidence of suicide in porn I am sure the vast majority of porn actors have damaged psyches I cannot help but think that removing your clothes and having sex in public and on film is a form of self-harm not in the traditional ‘cutting flesh’ type of way but degrading and embarrassing yourself because you no longer love yourself or have any self- worth, and perhaps we should have a bit more compassion for those who work in the sex industry and tell they love it.

When Chyna, did those porn scenes parodying Triple H, Vince and Stephanie McMahon it was her way of getting back at them, because she had no other way they had managed to cause her some incredible difficulties in her life it was her only way of attempting to fight back, she probably looks back and cringes that she did those scenes but in comparison to what they did to her it's nothing. Please remember Chyna has mental health issues. .

Give me a break WWE made millions off of selling sex. How many women has Vince had affairs with in "storyline". Not to mention all the money they made off of her. Truthfully I can only imagine how hard it was for her to know Triple H dropped her like a bad habit to shack up with the bosses daughter. Did you know she couldn't work for over a year because WWE wouldn't let her out her contact. She's said she had offers to do movies and TV, but couldn't because of that. Has she made the best decisions over the years and has her mental health been the best no. Regardless of that it's about what she did in WWE and that's what it should be about.

Youtuber: Patrick Small

Sunday 19 July 2015

Triple H and Xpac 100% disgrace

Hunter and Xpac, Nothing like breaking a girl down to improve a low life snake's self esteem...

Friday 17 July 2015

It's all about the game and how you play it

'It's all about the game and how you play it' the irony of Triple H theme.

HHH literally sacrificed Chyna to fulfill his life fantasies/goals. As much as it pains me to say this, his level of cutthroatness is impressive, he knew marrying the boss's daughter would bring advantages he was planning ahead, why before anyone knew poor Chyna is had no idea  Triple H had the foresight to know marrying the bosses daughter was going to benefit him substantially.Triple H entire career is built on manipulation and opportunity. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Julie Hart on Triple H

This the exchange that was on the "Wrestling with Shadows" Documentary, Julie Hart (Bret Hart's wife at the time) see's  through Triple H lies, he was in on the Montreal Screwjob 

Julie: "Don't give me that **! Because you guys knew it."

Hunter: "I swear to God..."

Julie: "You knew it from the very beginning, all of you."

Hunter: "I swear to God... I don't know nothing about this."

Julie: "Yeah well swear to God all you want too. Some day God is going to strike you down. Yeah. Don't even-"

Hunter: "I know you're upset-"

Julie: "Yeah I am upset!"

Hunter: "I had nothing to do with it, I didn't know anything about it."

Julie: "You had as much to do with it as the rest of them!"

Hunter: "I knew nothing about it."

Julie: "I'm sure you didn't... I'm sure you didn't....It really sucks you know... you all go back to the hotel and have a big laugh right? A few beers...y'know.. Just remember someday what goes around comes around!"

Hunter: "I have nothing to say."

Julie: "Yeah you don't have anything to say..."