Friday 3 April 2015

WWE The Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior

Warrior refused to work with WWE to make this DVD, so as a result, Vince decided to rip the man, James Hellwig, and the character and wrestling career of the Ultimate Warrior to shreds on film and make him out to be a joke. This is what the Bret Hart box set would have been like if Bret hadn't bowed to Vince and agreed to work with WWE again!!!

This is because Vince does not like that Hellwig successfully beat him in court numerous times over the rights to his character and image! And that he in reality did NOT self-destruct, but managed to get out of wrestling on his own terms, and live a normal, content and happy family life, without having to grovel back to Vince like the rest do and always be under Vince's thumb!

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