Wednesday 1 April 2015

What’s with these guys? Vince McMahon and Triple H

Vince McMahon with His Son in Law Triple H
What’s with these guys? Why do they feel the need to rip off every wrestler to the maximum possible extent? Couldn't the WWE still have been just as powerful, just as legendary, and very nearly as wealthy, if they'd paid the wrestlers a little more, their rightful compensation for creating the entertainment that rocked the world and brought billions of revenue to Vince McMahon?

Whatever happened to Dennis Waitley and his "win-win" scenarios? Whatever happened to the concepts of "noblesse oblige," and "from those who have received much, much is expected"? Whatever happened to "a rising tide lifts all boats"?
I guess they've been replaced by that concept, "whoever dies with the most toys wins."
I really do fear for a lot of new, upcoming wrestlers in the business

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