Monday 6 April 2015

Hulk Hogan "Karma is coming to collect"

I am a loyal fan of both Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior, it hard to comment on this video, I’m sure the truth of everything sort of lies in the middle, I am not a stupid person though I love Hulk Hogan, I am very sure he played the ‘media’ game don’t get me wrong Hulk Hogan is not a manipulative, lying ‘snake’ person to the extent of Triple H and Vince McMahon.

Go to the 41:00 minute mark it Ultimate Warrior talks about that character assassination The Self-Destruction of Ultimate Warrior DVD.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Dana White is a very good manager

 Dana White is a very good manager when it comes to listening to his fighters and paying attention to their health. If a guy can't fight, Dana doesn't hold that against him, unlike Vince McMahon. Exactly the reason why Dana White is well respected in the MMA world. 

Saturday 4 April 2015

Aging Stephanie McMahon's ugly boobjob.

The millionairess is aging badly(and she still in her thirties) all that cash and that’s the worst boobjob I have ever seen they are in two different timezones so wide apart, the thing about being a rich man's daughter is tend to think you do not have to put in effort when it comes to appearance, Helen Rubinstein said it best there are no ugly women just lazy ones.

Broader shoulders than her husband Triple H

Friday 3 April 2015

WWE The Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior

Warrior refused to work with WWE to make this DVD, so as a result, Vince decided to rip the man, James Hellwig, and the character and wrestling career of the Ultimate Warrior to shreds on film and make him out to be a joke. This is what the Bret Hart box set would have been like if Bret hadn't bowed to Vince and agreed to work with WWE again!!!

This is because Vince does not like that Hellwig successfully beat him in court numerous times over the rights to his character and image! And that he in reality did NOT self-destruct, but managed to get out of wrestling on his own terms, and live a normal, content and happy family life, without having to grovel back to Vince like the rest do and always be under Vince's thumb!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

What’s with these guys? Vince McMahon and Triple H

Vince McMahon with His Son in Law Triple H
What’s with these guys? Why do they feel the need to rip off every wrestler to the maximum possible extent? Couldn't the WWE still have been just as powerful, just as legendary, and very nearly as wealthy, if they'd paid the wrestlers a little more, their rightful compensation for creating the entertainment that rocked the world and brought billions of revenue to Vince McMahon?

Whatever happened to Dennis Waitley and his "win-win" scenarios? Whatever happened to the concepts of "noblesse oblige," and "from those who have received much, much is expected"? Whatever happened to "a rising tide lifts all boats"?
I guess they've been replaced by that concept, "whoever dies with the most toys wins."
I really do fear for a lot of new, upcoming wrestlers in the business

Triple H is Bodybuilder, my ASS

Yes Triple H has varicose veins

Someone tell me  how did Triple H get one the cover of a fitness magazine (oh’ yeah money talks), how did he ever win any bodybuilding titles Triple H has the world’s most  smallest forearms and high set skinny calves

those unimpressive forearms

pure flab and he is not even 60 yet