Saturday 28 February 2015

CM Punk broke his back for the 'business'

CM Punk broke his back for the 'business'  He had a full blown staph infection, two bad knees, one bad elbow, he was under antibiotics for months and all of that because he worked his ass off for the 'business' and 'business' tried to shoot him down for some unknown reason he always had to took backseats to other people who did not deserve success as much as he did rather similar to what the WWE did to Bret Hart.
CM Punk actually has balls and integrity and told WWE to go fuck themselves.

Live Long and prosper CM Punk don't let WWE get you down we wanna see your UFC career take off.

WWE has been screwing Punk since ALWAYS and he's been climbing to the top by himself. They never considered him as a championship caliber guy, maybe cause he is healthy, maybe cause he wouldn't take steroids, maybe cause he doesn't look like a big jacked pile of shit. But was indeed the best wrestler the company has seen over the last 9 years. He pushed himself to the top, was the longest reigning champion in the modern era, but they still wouldn't present him as one of the biggest stars in the company.

During Punk's hottest moment in his whole career, they made him JOB to The Rock, a retired guy... Made him JOB to Brock Lesnar, another retired guy made him JOB to The Undertaker, a part-timer who happens to be an exceptional ass kisser. WWE doesn't reward professional hard work, but muscle mass and ass kissing, that's the ultimate truth.

Pink slip on wedding day? It's a bitch move no matter how you slice it. All CM Punk, wanted was time to heal. Triple H, Edge, and John Cena had time off for their injuries (to name a few)... Punk - a guy who was selling more merch than John Cena - can't get a couple months off? No excuses for that level of improper care.

CM Punk was professional and working hurt. Kurt Angle had these same issues with Vince. Sweet talking him into working hurt while not delivering on promises.

It's bullshit!!, Vince McMahon can be complicated and into his own ego very often. He admits it himself on Austin’s podcast.

Sometimes you wonder about Vince McMahon you would think after Owen Hart's death they would put wrestler safety first, how the hell are you gonna make a wrestler work while injured? I am glad CM Punk got out young with bones relatively intact as opposed to Edge whose 'loyalty' to Vince McMahon and WWE almost rendered him crippled he cannot do a contact sport anymore otherwise that neck of his will crumble.

Triple H hates anyone who's better than him. He came out of retirement and squashed Punk's momentum out of pure spite. It wasn't "best for business". It was just a pathetic way to take a dig at someone he doesn't like. And you just know Hunter convinced Vince to let him win.

HHH is such a two faced ASS!!!!!!  He singlehanded ruined wrestling by always writing himself in and always putting himself over what a self centered PIG

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