Sunday 1 May 2016

Mean Girl Stephanie McMahon

All Hail Billion Dollar Princess Stephanie McMahon, you witch you got what you wanted that piece of trash Triple H.
Did Billion Dollar Princess Stephanie McMahon have to resort to reverse hypergamy to get a husband? you bet she she did.
Did Billion Dollar Princess Stephanie McMahon pay for the groom suit at their wedding? I bet she did

Why is the Billion Dollar Princess so stupid that see marries a untalented, lying, parasitic, embarassment to pro wrestling snake Triple H 
The same kids that can 'google Chyna can also 'google'  you and Triple H and how your behavor lead to a woman mental breakdown

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior as Stephanie ages she will see more of Triple H snake like ways he has made his money and his children are set for life his grandchildren will always has money, as Stephanie wrinkles and sags Triple H will do to her what he did to Chyna.

Friday 22 April 2016

That Opie Interview and Chyna

About this Opie Interview that every Chyna hater is using to bash Chyna with, well people please understand that Xpac the methhead got access to the best rehab services available he is able to practice his lying story so much it seem credible Chyna on the other hand was left to rot, with a drug habit and mental illness with the passage of time of course would get dates wrong and sometimes contradict herself when telling her story I am of the believe no matter what haters say that Chyna version of events is substantially true.
Since when was XPac the beacon of truthfulness? Guess meth head, drunken women beaters tell no lies.