Wednesday 14 October 2015

Jim Hellwig = Ultimate Warrior = Class Act.

“Every man’s heart one day beats a final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others; it makes them believe deeper in something larger than life; than his essence, his spirit will be immortalized.” Ultimate Warrior

Wednesday 7 October 2015

WWE double standards

Since when did the WWE have a morality clause after what they did to Bret Hart. #GiveChynaAChance 

Saturday 3 October 2015

Chyna has a valuble story to tell.

It is not everyday occurance that the whole
world collapses on you the constant shame people always ready to bring you down
and make you feel shame it does one hell of number on your psyche.
Having sex on camera and showing the world
your private parts is an extremely stupid thing to do, however who people who
suffer of mental illnesses, poverty and severe self-loathing tend not to make the
best decisions, (why do you think the porn industry has such a high suicide rate, it is
not normal, good self ess-teem having people that become porn stars )
giving an excuse for Chyna behavior but rather reasons

has a valuble story to tell, that many human beings can relate Chyna has an
example to set that you can hit rock bottom as long you didn’t kill anyone you
can bounce back.