Sunday 13 September 2015

Karma will collect on Larry Shreve AKA Abdullah the Butcher

Larry Shreve AKA  Abdullah the Butcher you walking, talking fat disgrace 900lbs of worthless garbage you gave Devon Nicholson Hep C on purpose, pay Devon what you duly owe him $2.6 million and apologise for what you did to him.

Send Devon Nicholson positive energy.

Could people show some support for Devon Nicholson, he was the young wrestler who that disgraceful 900lb Abdullah the Butcher on purpose gave Hep C too by cutting him a contaminated blade ending his WWE career , Devon Nicholson is now a  Hepatitis C Awareness Advocate.

Friday 11 September 2015

Monday 7 September 2015

Remembering Asya

Does anybody remember when WCW had a ripoff Chyna gimmick called Asya

Friday 4 September 2015

R.I.P Nancy Argentino

Fact: months before Nancy Argentino’s death Jimmy Snuka was charged with assaulting her which he did in front of police. He was in a rage & it took a bunch of officers to subdue him. She later said he never touched her despite the officers witnessing it. He got off on a plea deal. When she died months later 5 hospital staff said he told them he pushed her & she fell. Later he changed his story. The coroner's report said she was covered in cuts & bruises & appeared to be "mate-abuse". He also said that there were "multiple traumas to the head, not just one. His report said he found no gravel or dirt on her head or body (so his story of her falling down outside was bullshit). The coroner recommended a homicide investigation. Years later the family won a wrongful death lawsuit for $500,000. He has never paid them a penny to this day. He went to the girl's viewing but was not at her funeral.  Jimmy Snuka was married at the time he was seeing this woman.

Simply Google "The Morning Call" (Lehigh Valley) and run a search on "Jimmy Snuka" on the main page. It should bring up two documents: the police interview and the autopsy report, He changed his story at least three times throughout the original questioning.

Wednesday 2 September 2015