Tuesday 23 June 2015

Chyna responds to the WWE

I am beginning to think that the McMahons and Triple H get a weird sadistic joy at seeing this poor woman beg for her Induction into the Hall of Fame even though it was the WWE in the first place that wronged Chyna massively and sent her on a self destructive path.

Sunday 21 June 2015


                                         "THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CHYNA" by Erik Angra

Chyna having documentary made please to see this documentary please donate

Tuesday 9 June 2015

poor owen hart

Someone should have checked that the harness was strong enough to bear the weight of a fully grown man poor Owen fell 78 feet to his death, A man lost his life, a woman lost her husband, and children lost their father and don't think McMahon lost an hour of sleep over it.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Ban blood in wrestling? - Nigel McGuiness/Jimmy Havoc debate

                                               I am in two minds about blood in wrestling
matches as blood adds realism yet I do not want wrestlers to get diseases just for the sake of entertainment, like Devon Nicholson who contracted Hepatitis C from Abdullah the Butcher. If pro wrestlers are vaccinated and tested every three months, are willing to blade to help get an angle over or enhance a match then I don't see why it should be banned completely
